(A) We visited Swansea today, a good-sized town on Wales’ south coast. In Swansea, we had two objectives: Go to a movie, and then visit Three Peaks Bay (on the coast). I’m happy to say that we accomplished both.
I didn’t take any pictured in the movie theater. We watched the new Jurassic World movie (or whatever it’s called). I’d give it a C.
I did take pictures at the coast. Many pictures. Here are some…
On one of the cliffs overlooking the bay are the ruins of a castle. We didn’t make it up there, though it was tempting. You can see in that last photo Kim, Ella, and Mia (circled) walking toward the water.
The bay was beautiful. I give it an A.
In order to get there (and back), we had to drive along a road that runs between pastures. Interestingly, there aren’t any fences. That means you need to watch out for cows and sheep. And we did.
I might point out that this is a picture of a roadside sheep. It might look too big to be a sheep, but it’s not.